The late flowering continues

Bird life seems to be on a downward spiral, with the stiff south-westerlies apparently killing off migration, be it on land or sea. However, even a day like today, which we were consigning as 'dead' is far from being so - there are Great White Egrets, Little Egrets, Marsh Harriers, Cetti's Warblers, Black Redstart, Merlin and Peregrine written in my notebook!

The 'Dungeness plants in flower in November' list now numbers 108 species. Since my last update the following have been added: hedge bedstraw, hop trefoil, herb Robert, sweet Alison, blanketflower, blue fleabane, red dead nettle, buck'shorn plantain, curled dock, wild clary, fennel, crown vetch, petty spurge, common stork's-Bill, tree mallow, dove's-foot crane's bill, cat'sear, borage, lady's bedstraw, stinging nettle, red clover, Autumn hawkbit, winter heliotrope and bloody crane's-Bill. This profusion of late flowering may well be my overriding memory of this current stay on the shingle.


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