Blog header

The new blog header comes from my good friend Gordon Hay, who took this photograph during one of the few recent sunny evenings whilst on the top of Colley Hill. The view is looking SSW towards Mordor Leith Hill. I really should get my act together and produce a few more headers, although I do like my usual one so much that it will appear again in the future.


Derek Faulkner said…
Mmmm, I think I preferred the previous one.
I've often fancied one of those but as a PC iliterate I've never worked out how to do it.
Stewart said…
A change is as good as a rest Steve, I like to change mine with the seasons or to match something that is currently around....
Steve Gale said…
Send me was images Derek and I'll knock some up for you.
Steve Gale said…
I've always liked that about 'From the Notebook' Stewart, the surprise as to what the header will be. Little Auk in a basket coming up?
Gibster said…
As soon as I clicked on ND&B I thought, "wow, what a wonderful header, look at the detail and the overallness" (not a word but so what?) Then I see it wasn't, it's brilliant anyway. It'll have to suffice until you put your own image back I guess :)
Steve Gale said…
Don't rub it in Seth, I'm encouraging a very young photographer here.... oh, hang on, Gordon's almost my age.... oh, well.
Steve Gale said…
Cheers Bill, I'll pass that on to Mr Hay.
Beautiful....but one does not simply walk up Leith Hill
Steve Gale said…
You can actually see the sea from the top of the tower Simon!
Steve Gale said…
I should have claimed it as my own Jono...
GeoffB said…
so which particular character are you pray tell ? I could proffer some
Steve Gale said…
Character? You've lost me Geoff!
GeoffB said…
"twas in the darkest depths of Mordor" ?
Steve Gale said…
Ah, most probably Gandalf the Green!
Stewart said…
Never had one in a basket Steve, they all just fly by or swim past quite healthily. Maybe this weekend will change that.

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