More green stuff

Two delicate plants for you this morning, both being quite local around here. On the left is Common Valerian. I found a few tall specimens growing on a chalky slope above Chipstead Bottom, and even though I have walked past this spot many times before, have not previously seen it here. And on the right is Pale Toadflax, a modest but rather fine species, which is found sparingly on Park Downs. A quick check at Fames Rough revealed a flowering Ground Pine (looking sickly) and the few Cut-leaved Germander plants that are present are now heavily in bud.

There were modest numbers of Marbled Whites and Meadow Browns on the wing, a scattering of Large Skippers, but butterfly numbers still seem depressed to me.


Derek Faulkner said…
Butterfly numbers are depressed, or at least, here on Sheppey they are. Small Torts. Red Admirals and Peacocks on ones and twos, A few Small Heaths and Meadow Browns and Common Blues and that's about it so far.
The Common Valerian and Pale Toadflax are new to me.
Both new to me too, red valerian is everywhere round here
Unknown said…
Common Valerian is an odd one for me. I'm always pleased to see it without thinking too much about it. It's nice an it's just being there.

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