Drowsy with butterflies

Armed with some up to date information from my good friend Gordon Hay, I spent the afternoon on Bookham Common. With precise directions I was able to stand alongside the favoured oaks of that most sought after of butterflies, the Purple Emperor. After only a ten minute wait one came out to patrol the top of an oak tree, gliding in the blue sky and taking up position on an outer leaf. It was roused into action twice - once to see off an Emperor Dragonfly, and again to joust with another Purple Emperor. Both then disappeared into the canopy. The rides were awash with Silver-washed Fritillary (65+) and White Admiral (35+). Hot, drowsy, humid and wonderful.


Stewart said…
THAT is what makes me jealous of the south.... amazing...
Steve Gale said…
Come on down Stewart - I’d happily take you to the best places to see them - once this virus has done a runner.
Stewart said…
I must Steve, but for the ones I have not yet seen like Adonis and Chalkhill Blue and Silver spotted Skipper, plus Brown Hairstreak all in August?

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